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Goto →City of Magic
Firefox 3.6
Flash Player 10.
Cheat Engine
1. Open Cheat Engine select your browser
2. Cheat Engine v5.5 Setting(Double & Also scan read only memory)
3. Scan your current coins value.
4. Buy something
5. Scan your current coins value.(make sure is only 1 result)
6. Double click on the result,it will show at bottom window
7. Double click on the "Address" value and add "+a8" (Example:4D0F7456+a8)
8. Now add your "K coins" + "K coins for expansion needed",Double click on the"Value" enter the value(Example:your current 5 K coins + expansion needed 10 K coins,Value = 15)
9. Back to game and click "BUY",wait untill 100% (it will show"Error") press play!
1. Cheat Engine 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
2. Cheat Engine 設定勾選(Double & Also scan read only memory)
3. 鍵入現在金錢數值按「First Scan」
4. 之後隨便買一個物品
5. 再鍵入現在金錢數值,再按「Next Scan」(直至剩下一個數值)
6. 雙擊左邊數值,會彈到下方位置
7. 再雙撃「Address」+a8 (例子:4D0F7456+a8)
8. 將你現在的 K 幣數量 + 擴地所需要的數量,雙擊「Value」鍵入
(例子:你現在有 5 K幣,而擴地需要 10 K幣,那麼在「Value」鍵入 15)
9. 回到遊戲直接擴地,等待進度棒 100% 後會表示「錯誤(Error)」再重入遊戲即可!
Goto →City of Magic
Firefox 3.6
Flash Player 10.
Cheat Engine
1. Open Cheat Engine select your browser
2. Cheat Engine v5.5 Setting(Double & Also scan read only memory)
3. Scan your current coins value.
4. Buy something
5. Scan your current coins value.(make sure is only 1 result)
6. Double click on the result,it will show at bottom window
7. Double click on the "Address" value and add "+a8" (Example:4D0F7456+a8)
8. Now add your "K coins" + "K coins for expansion needed",Double click on the"Value" enter the value(Example:your current 5 K coins + expansion needed 10 K coins,Value = 15)
9. Back to game and click "BUY",wait untill 100% (it will show"Error") press play!
1. Cheat Engine 介面左上方位按一下「電腦圖示」,再選擇「你的瀏覽器」,再按「Open」
2. Cheat Engine 設定勾選(Double & Also scan read only memory)
3. 鍵入現在金錢數值按「First Scan」
4. 之後隨便買一個物品
5. 再鍵入現在金錢數值,再按「Next Scan」(直至剩下一個數值)
6. 雙擊左邊數值,會彈到下方位置
7. 再雙撃「Address」+a8 (例子:4D0F7456+a8)
8. 將你現在的 K 幣數量 + 擴地所需要的數量,雙擊「Value」鍵入
(例子:你現在有 5 K幣,而擴地需要 10 K幣,那麼在「Value」鍵入 15)
9. 回到遊戲直接擴地,等待進度棒 100% 後會表示「錯誤(Error)」再重入遊戲即可!

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