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Saturday, October 31, 2009

Restaurant City Cheats // RC Tools online 5.21

Hi readers, today am releasing you the best cheats of all. The multipurpose cheatswhich consists of, Cook fast, Stamina, Eat fast, Serve fast, Bill fast and clean fast.Isn't it that great?If you are sick...

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Restaurant City Cheats // Teleport doors 29 Oct 2009

Good morning readers, today there is a cool glitch in Restaurant city which is the Teleport doors.This gitch was found by free2sw4u. This help you to place your door anyway u want in yourrestaurant.Firstly,...

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Lirik Lagu Daerah – Keroncong Kemayoran – Provinsi DKI Jakarta / Betawi

La la la la la la la laaaLaju laju perahu lajuJiwa manis indung di sayangLa la la la la la la la laaaLaju sekali laju sekali ke surabaya--------------------Belenong di pinggir kaliDengan Keroncong senang...