called the DoublePointer Coins cheat. This coins cheat contain a tedious procedure
throughout the process so just keep yourself followed closely on each step which he
wrote. Thanks
(By the way, i had just tested that the coins can be saved, Please Hurry b4 it

Special Credits : Nameless
Tools you need :
1) Internet Explorer // Firefox
2) Cheat Engine 5.5
3) Adobe Flash Player 9.0 // Player 10.0
Description: every time you save the game you will gain 60 coins
1) Play your RC in firefox close door, and set one employee to janitor use piaips for
regeneration of stamina.
2) Now in Cheat Engine, select firefox as process,tick hex,ASROM,value type(8 bytes)
3) Scan "0005000000003FA9"
4) 1 address returned. Copy that address
5) Click Add address manually,type in 4bytes,click pointer
6) Paste the address you copied from step 4 to Address of pointer -72
and type 68 in Offset Hex,click ok example; Address of pointer: 1336CD5E-72 Offset(hex):68
7) Again click Add address manually,type in 4bytes,click pointer
8) Paste the address you copied from step 4 to Address of pointer -72
and type 78 in Offset Hex
9)New scan "000001449189D32B" disassemble,change sub edx,ebx to sub edx,edx, click 1
10)New scan "04B878488901C183" disassemble address,change add ecx,01 to add ecx,00
11)New scan "00011C838924408B" disassemble 2nd address, rclick the line mov
[ebx+0000011c],eax and click replace code that does nothing
double click second line mov [ebx+00000114],000007d0 change 000007d0 to 00000000
12)New scan "E44589D47589C085" disassemble address,you will see line je xxxxxxxx rclick
and click replace code that does nothing, scroll down
you will see another je xxxxxxxx rclick and click replace code that does nothing
13)On CE change the two 0 to 30 and click frozen, now there will be TWO frozen 30 value
14)On your restaurant city click redecorate the building move anything and click
check,every save you will gain 60 coins repeat this process until you are satisfied use mouse
recorder added coins can be seen after you refresh your browser
15) Take note:The janitor must clean 3 rubbish and above to avoid disconnection after the
repeated redecorate and save.janitor can clear 3 rubbish in less than 1 sec so you dont have
to wait long before you redecorate and save.Or you can just do step 1 to 6 for 30 per save
Share this great information with your friends.
Hope you guys benefit from this updates.
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