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Saturday, December 19, 2009


Firstly, click to Play Pet Society

This BLUE COINS CHEAT is for fun only. You can purchase the items, put them in your rooms and take photos with them. BUT items will disappear after reloading. So just take photos and show them off to your friends :p

HOWEVER!!! buy the cash fish bait. THE FISHES CAN BE SAVED!
Credits HIN0426 and youon9

I used:

  • firefox
  • ce 5.5
  • flash 9

[PATCHED] hope you guys had fun while it lasted.
  1. Go into Pet Society. Buy a Cash Item from the Cash Shop.
  2. Messages pops out saying 'You have no cash'
  3. Select firefox as ce5.5's process. Tick hex, 4bytes, asrom
  4. Scan "89D068000000C1E9"
  5. Many addresses returned. Ignore the green color addresses. Check only the black ones.
  6. Disassemble the black color addresses to find ONE address with these lines:
    jmp xxxxxx
    push xxxxxx
    push xxxxxx
    (hint: it seems to be the address at the bottom, just work from bottom up)
  7. You should only see 1 address with jmp, push, push. With the line 'jmp xxxxxx' selected, Press DELETE (on your keyboard). Click OK
  8. Now try to purchase a cash item again. This time, a "PLEASE WAIT" message appears. Followed by a "No cash" message.
  9. Now NEW SCAN "D06800000239850F"
  10. Ignore the green addresses again. Disassemble the black addresses to find ONE address with these lines:
    jne xxxxxx
    push xxxxxx
    push xxxxxx
    (hint: it seems to be the address at the bottom, just work from bottom up)
  11. Selecting jne xxxxxx, press DELETE. Click OK
  12. Now you can buy all the cash items =D
  13. Remember not to reload the game before taking your photos!! Or they will disappear. And GO FISHING NOW! That's the only cash items that remains after reload.

PS: Sorry about the Island Paradise EXP cheat. Seems like they had it patched alr. That's really fast though :s

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